Chris Gaynor, MD

Letter from Dr Gaynor July 25, 2021.

My dearest friends,
Over the years, we have come to know, honor and respect one another.  Many of you have grown to trust me over time in the context of our most sacred physician-client relationship.  There is much each of you has taught me during our time together, and for that, and for the grace which you afforded me, I will be ever grateful.
It is you who have kept me working hard to serve you as well as I have over the years. My joy of my true calling has ever been due to the pleasure I derive from helping each of you to work toward ever-greater health and joy.  It is you who have provided me with the certainty that I was meant to do what I do.  From the very bottom of my heart, I thank you.
It is for the above reasons that I have continued  to practice medicine long after my joy of the work was overrun by the unbearable stress the work caused for me.
I have therefore come to the understanding that I have given all I had to be the best doctor I could for you.  It is now time for me to pursue other interests, and devote the many years I still have left to deepen my personal relationships, follow my heart, and pursue my own dreams!!
Thank you all, in your unique and beautiful ways, for sharing my path thus far.  I hope to continue to hear from you occasionally with reports of your own progress in your particular paths toward greater health and joy!
With all my love,
PS: My wonderful colleagues at Capitol Hill Medical have helped me to create a plan for your continued, uninterrupted care.  I hope that once you hear the details from them, your fears of finding a new doctor who is an expert on all of the issues you each have ever brought to my attention will be put to rest.
In fact, I have the utmost confidence that in time, you will come to agree!!!
My blessings to you always.
PPS: My one regret is that I won’t get to work with the lovely folks at Phinney Primary care and Wellness!  They have been truly amazing people whom I’ve come to greatly admire and respect!!

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