Covid 19 updates
COVID 19 update: Phase 3 and vaccine availability
Washington has moved to Phase 3 of the states Recovery plan. This will increase capacity limits for restaurants, recreation centers and in person events. Masks and social distancing of 6 feet is still required. While we are happy the current numbers of cases and hospitalizations in WA state have decreased we still strongly encourage safe practices. We also strongly encourage all our patients to get a COVID – 19 vaccine when it is available to them.
Last week Washington state announced moving vaccine distribution into Phase 1B-Tier 3 and Tier 4 on March 31st. To determine if your eligible for a vaccine we still suggest going to the WA state Phase finder site. ( If you are eligible we recommend the COVID WA site (, which is now linked to the WA state site for finding available vaccine near you.
Of note for Phase 1B-Tier 4 the introduction of comorbid conditions states 2 or more conditions in adults over age 16. A list of CDC accepted comorbid conditions can be found here:
Phinney Primary Care and Wellness has applied to be a vaccine site but we are still waiting to hear back from the state. Our staff and providers have all been vaccinated but we are still practicing social distancing and mask use, and we are requiring patients (vaccinated or not) to continue with these practices in our office. Thank you for your understanding.
We want you to know that we are here for you during this challenging time. We are still frequently doing visits by telemedicine, but are available in office when needed. Noel, Fern and Cassandra are doing an amazing job up front and can help you set up the correct appointment depending on your needs.
Stay health and safe.
Take Care,
David Harvey MD
Phinney Primary Care and Wellness